Aron Yarmo Attorney at Law

Yarmo Law

Eligibility for a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The death of a loved one can be life-changing. Wrongful death lawsuits occur when another person or entity (such as a product malfunction) causes the death. In wrongful death cases, dependents may be compensated for emotional trauma, wage loss, funeral expenses, and other financial hardships. Bailey and Yarmo, LLP, confronts wrongful death claims for victims to receive financial compensation.

Wrongful death claims must be filed by a representative on behalf of the survivors. The representative, or “real parties in interest”, is usually a descendent of the victim’s estate. Authorized parties vary per state.

Eligible Wrongful Death Representatives

  • Immediate family members
  • Life partners, financial dependents, and putative spouses
  • Distant family members
  • Persons who suffer financially
  • Parents of a deceased child

We represent Oregon’s “real parties in interest”. A wide variety of persons, businesses and government agencies can be convicted. For example, the death of a newborn may be liable to the obstetrician, manufacturer of faulty birthing tools or the person that was responsible for preparing and sanitizing the room and equipment. We uphold Oregon’s wrongful death suit laws to earn survivors fair compensation.

Wrongful Death Suit Laws

  • The lawsuit must be asserted no later than three years after the death.
  • Survivor may be compensated for medical expenses such as hospital and doctor’s services, memorial and funeral expenses, and more.
  • Survivor may be compensated for the victim’s pain and suffering, disability and loss wages from the time of the accident to death.
  • The step-child/step-parent relationship shall remain in effect if the biological parent were to die.

Contact an experienced attorney if your loved one has died by another person or entity. Nothing will replace the victim but you can receive compensation to avoid financial debt. We will take the time to listen to your story.


Aron Yarmo

Consultations are always free. No fee without recovery.