My Workers’ Comp Claim Was Denied — What Can I Do Now?

Workers’ compensation laws in Oregon and most states around the country were developed to provide workers with access to medical care when injured on the job. The alternative of forcing them to sue their employers caused workers to delay medical treatment until they knew that a court would order their employers to pay for it. Workers’ compensation laws removed the …

Signs You Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Workers’ compensation systems exist to ensure that people injured in workplace accidents or suffering from work-related illnesses have access to the medical care and lost wages that they need to recover and return to their jobs. Employers benefit by not being forced to defend against lawsuits filed against them by injured workers, which occurred before states enacted workers’ compensation laws. …

Most Common Locations for Car Accidents

According to data compiled by government agencies, driver behavior is the leading cause of car accidents in the U.S. Driver distraction, speeding, intoxication, and other behaviors engaged in by motorists cause the vast majority of crashes. Although car accidents can happen almost anywhere, one thing that you can learn from reviewing government studies is that certain locations appear with greater …

Can Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim Put Your Job at Risk?

It’s common to have anxiety about how to pay for medical treatment while being unable to work due to a job-related injury. Most states now have workers’ compensation systems to ensure that a worker injured on the job doesn’t need to worry about being able to afford medical care and going without a source of income while recuperating. Instead of …

6 Common Causes of Semi Truck Accidents

Semi trucks, those tractor-trailer behemoths barreling down the nation’s highways, represent an integral part of a $700-billion trucking industry responsible for hauling 71% of the freight shipped in the U.S. They may be responsible for making the food and consumer goods available, but it’s hard to be grateful when an 80,000-pound, fully loaded semi truck bears down on your 4,000-pound …

Dog Bites: Being Compensated When Man’s Best Friend Attacks

Almost 90 million dogs live throughout the U.S. Your dog may be your trusted companion, but nearly five million people each year suffer injuries after being bitten by a dog. According to one study, the most common dog-bite scenario involves a child, but adults who ignore aggressive or defensive canine behaviors may also be at risk of getting injured during …

COVID-19 and Workers’ Compensation Benefits

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States increases daily. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over half of a million people are infected with the virus. Health care workers and first responders appear to be among those most at risk due to their daily exposure to patients infected by the disease. Claims for workers’ …

Remedies for Health Care Workers Injured on the Job

Our healthcare workers are on the front lines of some of the most important challenges in modern history. If you work in the healthcare industry, chances are you know how easy it is to suffer from an injury or illness related to your job. What may come as an unpleasant surprise is that working at a factory or construction site …

A Brief History of Workers’ Comp: How Does Oregon Compare?

Every state has some form of workers’ compensation system to provide benefits when an employee suffers a work-related injury or illness. Some states, such as Oregon, make it mandatory for most employers, while others states offer options. Complaints about complicated rules and regulations and endless forms to fill out, however, are  common no matter where you live. A look back …

What bicyclists should know about Oregon’s new Stop-as-Yield law

The popularity of bicycle riding as exercise and as an alternative to the family car for getting around town has resulted in states attempting to make streets more cyclist friendly by changing a few traditional rules of the road. As of January 1, 2020, bicycle riders in Oregon join riders in other states in not having to come to a …